Chaminade Greenswords

Upcoming Events


Recyclemania is a 10 week, nation-wide, recycling competition for Universities. Currently, Chaminade and UH-Manoa are the only two schools in Hawaii that are participating. Starting in February (NOW), you can bring your recycling to the bins around campus to include them in our school's total. Please inform your friends and classmates about this competition and the importance of recycling.

Bus Pass Program

Full-time undergraduate students, faculty, and staff are now eligible for a FREE bus pass! Riding the bus to Chaminade instead of driving your car, even one day a week, will have a significant impact on our campus. Using the bus will help reduce traffic congestion at Waialae and 3rd Avenue and also alleviate parking problems at Chaminade. Furthermore, consistent bus use will help reduce green house gas emissions and will save you $$on your fuel bill!

Reusable Grocery Bags

There has been a lot of publicity recently about plastic bag bans on Kauai and Maui as well as talk about a plastic bag tax on Oahu. This legislation would not be necessary if we change our habits in regards to grocery shopping and decide to use reusable bags instead. As such, the Chaminade Greenswords will be distributing FREE reusable bags to Chaminade students, faculty, and staff when you pledge to use them in your everyday life!

Universities for Sustainability Collation

The Chaminade Greenswords are partnering with SustainableUH, HPU G.R.E.E.N. Club, Sustain-BYUH, and other universities in Hawaii to help each other promote sustainability and discuss best practices. The first meeting was held December 4th, 2010 at BYU-Hawaii with a subsequent meeting February 26th, 2011 at HPU-Kaneohe. Eventually, this meeting of Hawaii Sustainability clubs will be held at Chaminade.

Our first event was a CFL bulb exchange!

The event was be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday 11/18 and Friday 11/19 at the bottom of Sullivan Library at Chaminade University. For every 3 incandescent bulbs you bring in, we'll give you 3 FREE energy-saving CFLs.  There is no limit on the number of bulbs you can exchange.  Just try to keep them in multiples of three.

Subsequent CFL exchanges were held at other locations throughout the community. One final CFL exchange we be held at Chaminade, Spring Semester 2011.

Info about CFLs:
For every incandescent bulb that you change to a CFL, you could save $24 per year. Swap out 10 and that's $240 per year!  CFLs were donated from Blue Planet Foundation and Hawaii Energy

Potential Projects: 


·         Preliminary, in-house, lighting audit of buildings

o   Member journals

·         Encourage more recycling on campus to generate revenue

o   Encourage community to donate recycling

o   Collect recycling more often to prevent theft

·         Determine the amount of waste produced by cafeteria/café

·         Recycle outdated computers/printers currently stored all over campus

·         Encourage dorm residents to use less water & electricity

o   Distribute CFL bulbs


·         Delamping, install CFLs/LEDs campus-wide, install smart powerstrips/outlets

·         Have A/C systems and filters serviced/replaced more frequently

·         Switch to styrophobia products

·         Install rain sensors on the sprinkler systems


·         Install PV panels or micro-CSP on campus buildings

·         Install energy efficient A/C systems with timers

·         Replace grass with low-water plants or artificial turf

·         Encourage/develop sustainability classes in core education curriculum

For the latest news and information, follow us on Facebook and Twitter
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